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Vermont’s Tradition of Artistic Excellence Carried Forward by Youth, Says Welch

"Bubba's Bacon," Congressman Welch's "Choice Award"-winning photograph by Will Riley of Stowe High School.

In congratulating recent honorees of the Congressional Art Competition, Representative Peter Welch cited Vermont’s "storied tradition of artistic excellence" and went on to say that their work reflects our state’s "first-rate art programs." Unlike many states, Vermont has continued its investment in state K12 education, making us one of the top per pupil investors in student education, including the arts.

The Stowe Reporter writes that two of the winning students are from Lamoille County; both appeared to be working in photography. New Haven mixed media artist Lydia Pitts won the Congressman’s Choice Award for "Fragmented Thoughts." The winning first place work will travel to Washington, DC where it will be installed alongside artwork from the other states along a corridor frequently traveled by members of Congress and their staff.

According Congressman Welch's website, the student Congressional Art Competition was established by the late Senator James Jeffords in 1981 when he was a member of the House of Representatives. Since then more than 650,000 students across the nation have participated in the art contest.


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